Kris Fox Presenter Profile


Influencer, beauty guru, advocate and all ‘round glamazon, Kris Fox is a crowd pleaser. Making her start on Youtube back in 2013, the self-proclaimed “Fierce and Flossy” social media star has been perfecting her outfits and glam for nearly a decade, and has a loyal following to show for it. But she’s no one trick pony: Kris not only dazzles with make up looks, killer outfits… but witty observations, astute cultural insights and LGBTQAI+ activism. Able to engage an audience simply by chatting away to her camera, Kris’ sense of humour, timing and self-awareness are second to none, making her a truly unique talent to work with. Hilarious and unapologetically herself, Kris Fox is gorgeous, confident and perfectly camp. A presenter with real presence.


Fijian, Fijian Indian


Auckland, New Zealand