Julian Wilcox MC/Entertainer Profile


Dynamic Maori Media Expert

Julian Wilcox (Ngāpuhi, Te Arawa) is an award winning broadcaster, a former television executive and local industry veteran. One of Māori Television’s founding members, Wilcox’s prolific presence has played a vital role in the amplification of Māoricentric media for some 30 years now. With no end in sight. A true media stalwart, Julian fronted TVNZ’s Te Karere and Māori Televison’s award-winning Native Affairs — plus a number of media production, academic and management roles, including Chief Officer of Operations for Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu — and is a beloved co-host on The Hui. The Hui, a programme sharing Māori perspectives on current affairs, sees Wilcox call upon his rich, dynamic career to tell stories of Māori development and whānau rangatiratanga, honour whaikōrero, uphold industry standards and engage (heartily) with viewers. Relaxed and professional in virtually any setting, Julian Wilcox speaks with an informed optimism — both in English and te reo Māori. A seasoned MC and speaker, esteemed host and key player in Māori media, humble Julian Wilcox is unmatched in experience, likeability and flair.






Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Te Arawa


Auckland, New Zealand


Compere/MC, Debator, Keynote Speaker, Live Performance Host, Panellist


Broadcasting, Current Affairs, Food & Wine, History, Producing, Research, Social Services, Sport, Travel

Social Links

Event Highlights

2024Fieldays Māori Agri-Sector & New Zealand Agritech Event, Callaghan Innovation - MC
2024Infrastructure Symposium, Te Waihanga - MC
2024NZPF Moot, New Zealand Principal Federation - MC

Testimonials (4)

Leanne Otene | National President

The New Zealand Principals’ Federation (NZPF) holds an annual event at which over 100 school principals, who lead principals’ associations in their regions, are invited to debate and discuss education policies and issues with a view to providing the NZPF with a direction for its future advocacy work. This year Julian Wilcox agreed to be our MC for the day. I am delighted to say, Julian was a most popular choice. His warm personality, professional approach and ability to read the room made for a seamless day of information sharing, healthy collaboration and energetic discussions.

Julian was well prepared. He introduced each speaker with an air of acquaintance that comes from careful research and created expectancy in the minds of his audience to focus them. Throughout the day, he successfully kept his audience on track, reminding them of the day’s theme as necessary, without being obtrusive. He set a convivial yet professional tone for the day which resulted in high levels of participation and some excellent feedback which we will use in our future advocacy work.

Thank you, Julian, for leading us so well and making our event so successful.

The New Zealand Principals’ Federation (NZPF) 2024